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Complete description of the selected organ
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.

Photo: René Troost

Krzeszów, Polska (Województwo Dolnośląskie) - Bazylika Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny
Municipal: Krzeszów
Address: Papieża Jana Pawła II 1, 58-405, Krzeszów
Website: http://opactwo.eu/

Description nr.: 2002804.

Built by: Michael Engler der Jüngere (1739)

1739 Michael Engler der Jüngere  new organ
1874 Schlag & Söhne  rebuild
2007 Jehmlich Orgelbau  restoration

  • Michael Engler built a large three-manual organ for the abbey church in Grüßau (today called Krzeszów) from 1732 to 1739. The instrument was tuned in chamber tone, but there were four pedal ranks with double valves, allowing them to be used in choral tone as well. The original specification is taken from the "Sammlung einiger Nachrichten", published in Breslau in 1757.
  • The firm Schlag & Sohn modified the organ in the years 1873/1874. The pitch was adapted to a'=435 Hz, and the chamber tones were turned off. Various stops have been replaced, but much of the original pipework has been reused.
  • In 2007, the Jehmlich company completed a restoration.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk14
- Rückpositiv10
- Brustwerk12
- Pedal14
Total number of stops50
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests
Pitcha' = 435 Hz
TemperamentEqual temperament

Hauptwerk (CD-c'''): Bordunflöte 16', Quintadena 16', Viola di Gamba 16', Principal 8', Flaut Major 8', Gemshorn 8', Salicet 8', Octava 4', Nachthorn 4', Gemshornquinta 3', Superoctava 2', Mixtura 6 chor (2'), Cimbal 2 chor (1 1/2'), Unda Maris 8'.
Rückpositiv (CD-c'''): Principal 8', Flaut Amabile 8', Flaut Allemande 8', Quintadena 8', Octava 4', Quinta 3', Superoctava 2', Sedecima 1', Mixtura 3 chor (1'), Hautbois 8'.
Brustwerk (CD-c'''): Principal 8', Rohrflaut 8', Flaut Traveur 8', Octava 4', Flaut Minor 4', Quinta 3', Superoctava 2', Quinta 1 1/2', Sedecima 1', Mixtura 4 chor (1 1/2'), Trombet 8', Vox Humana 8'.
Pedal (CD-c'): Majorbass 32', Principal 16', Violonbass 16', Subbass 16' - Kammertonbass, Salicional 16' - Kammertonbass, Quintadena 16' - Kammertonbass, Octava 8' - Kammertonbass, Flaut 8', Gemshornquinta 6', Superoctava 4', Mixtura 6 chor (3'), Posaunen Bass 32', Posaunen Bass 16', Trombet Bass 8'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Rückpositiv, Hauptwerk - Brustwerk.
Accessories: 10 Sperventile, Calcanten-Glöcklein.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • De oorspronkelijke dispositie van Engler luidde:
    Hauptwerk: Bourdon 16', Quintadena 16', Viol di Gamba 16', Prinzipal 8', Salizet 8', Gemshorn 8', Flaut Major 8', Unda Maris 8', Oktava 4', Nachthorn 4', Gemshorn Quinta 3', Superoktava 2', Mixtura 6 chor, Zimbal 2'.
    Rückpositiv: Prinzipal 8', Flaut Allemand 8', Quintadena 8', Flaut Amabile 8', Oktava 4', Quinta 3', Superoktava 2', Sedecima 1', Mixtura 3 chor, Oboe 8'.
    Oberklavier: Prinzipal 8', Rohrflaut 8', Traveur 8', Oktava 4', Flautminor 4', Quinta 3', Superoktav 2', Quinta 1 1/2', Sedecima 1', Mixtura 4 chor, Trompet 8', Vox Humana 8'.
    Pedaal: Majorbaß 32', Prinzipal 16', Violonbaß 16', Salicet 16' (met kamertoonbas), Subbaß 16' (met kamertoonbas), Quintaden 16' (met kamertoonbas), Oktavenbaß 8' (met kamertoonbas), Flaut 8', Gemshorn Quint 6', Superoktava 4', Mixtura 6 chor, Posaunenbaß 32', Posaunenbaß 16', Trompet 8'.
    Koppelingen: Koppel voor twee klavieren, Koppel voor alle drie de klavieren.

  • De dispositie luidde van 1874 tot 2006:
    Hauptwerk (C-c'''): Bordunflöte 16', Quintatön 16', Viola da Gamba 16', Prinzipal 8', Gamba 8', Hohlflöte 8', Flöte 8', Gemshorn 8', Oktave 4', Nachthorn 4', Gemshornquinte 2 2/3', Oktave 2', Mixtur 4 fach, Cymbel 3 fach, Cornett 3 fach, Trompete 16', Trompete 8'.
    Rückpositiv (C-c'''): Prinzipal 8', Quintatön 8', Gemshorn 8', Lieblich Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Oktava 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Superoktave 2', Oboe 8'.
    Oberwerk (C-c'''): Lieblich Gedackt 16', Prinzipal 8', Rohrflöte 8', Geigenprinzipal 8', Salicet 8', Oktave 4', Flöte 4', Quinte 3', Oktave 2', Mixtur 4 fach, Clarinette 8'.
    Pedal (C-c'): Majorbaß 32', Prinzipalbaß 16', Violon 16', Salicet 16' (Kammertonbässe), Subbaß 16' (Kammertonbässe), Quintatön 16' (Kammertonbässe), Oktavbaß 8' (Kammertonbässe), Bassflöte 8', Quinte 5 1/3', Oktave 4', Mixtur 4 fach, Posaune 32', Posaune 16', Trompet 8'.
    Koppelingen: Hauptwerk - Rückpositiv, Hauptwerk - Oberwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk.
    Speelhulpen: Sperventile, Calcantenglocke, Windablaß.
    a'=435 Hz, evenredig zwevende temperatuur.

  • Orgelbau-Nachrichten. - In: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau, 8. Band, No. 30, 21. Juli 1888.
  • Handbuch der Orgelkunde / Winfred Ellerhorst. - [S.l.] : Benziger, [1935].
  • The European Organ 1450 - 1850 / Peter Williams. - London : B T Batsford Ltd, 1966.
  • Die Orgel in Ostdeutschland und in Polen : Bericht über das achte Colloquium der Walcker-Stiftung für orgelwissenschaftliche Forschung 25.-26. September 1992 in Frankfurt/Oder / Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht [red.]. - Kleinblittersdorf : Musikwissenschaftliche Verlags-Gesellschaft mbH, 1993.
  • Organy Michaela Englera w bazylice p. w. Wniebowzie, tszej Maryi Panny w Krzeszowie : Festschrift zur Einweihung der restaurierten Engler-Orgel der Basiliak Mariae Himmelfahrt in Krzeszów/Grüssau. - Krzeszów, 2008.
  • Die Michael-Engler-Orgel in Grüssau (Krzeszów/Polen) : Restaurierung und Rekonstruktion / Andreas Hahn. - In: Ars Organi, 57. Jhg., Heft 1, März 2009.
Recordings Organy Krzeszowskie / Andrzej Chorosinski. - MX049 (CD). - 2008.
Links https://jehmlich-orgelbau.de/orgelprojekte/gruessau-maria-himmelfahrt-polen/

Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost
Photo: René Troost. Date: June 2017.
Photo: René Troost