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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Photo: Piet Bron. Datation: 4 August 2023.

Photo: Piet Bron

Brussegem, België (Vlaams-Brabant) - Sint Stephanuskerk
Commune: Merchtem
Adresse: Brussegemplein, 1785, Brussegem

Description no.: 2057218.

Bâti par: Antoine Coppin (1837)

In the Stephanuskerk in Brussegem there is an organ by Antoine Coppin from 1837. According to an inventory from 1974 it had seven registers. The Montre was newer, and may have replaced a Nasard. There were also some empty places, possibly of a Flageolet 2', a Cornet and a Trumpet 8' (B/D). The thirteen-keys attached pedal was also added later. The current status is unknown.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manuaal7
- Pedaalaangehangen
Nombre de jeux total7
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manuaal (C-f'''): Montre 8' (D), Salicional 8', Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Fluit 4', Doublette 2', Fournituur.
Pedaal (C-c°): Aangehangen.

Références Het historisch orgel in Vlaanderen : Deel IIa Brabant - arr. Halle Vilvoorde / A. Fauconnier, P. Roose. - Brussel : Ministerie van Nationale Opvoeding en Nederlands Cultuur ; Rijksdienst voor Monumenten- en Landschapszorg, 1975.