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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Situation in Ahaus. Photo: Danny Koschinski.

Photo: Danny Koschinski

Brzeziny, Polska (Województwo Łódzkie) - Katholische Pfarrkirche
Commune: Brzeziny

Description no.: 2032253.

Bâti par: Kreienbrink Orgelbau (1962)

1962 Kreienbrink Orgelbau  orgue neuf
2020 Sicco Steendam  transfer

In 1953 a new roman catholic parish church was dedicated in Ahaus to Sankt Josef, address Fuistingstraße 14. In the years 1956-1962 the pipe organ was built by Matthias Kreienbrink. In 2020 the organ was sold to the parish of Brzeziny in Poland, because the church in Ahaus had to be renovated, and the church room was made smaller. The organ was disassembled on January 6, 2020 by Sicco Steendam. The organ has a different setup in Brzeziny: the positive that was situated on the gallery in Ahaus has been installed above the organ at the back of the gallery.

Court sommaire des endroits où l'orgue s'est trouvé
1962AhausKatholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Josef

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Hauptwerk8
- Positiv9
- Pedal7
Nombre de jeux total24
Transmission des clésElectrical
Transmission des jeuxElectrical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Gedacktpommer 16', Prinzipal 8', Rohrflöte 8', Oktave 4', Gemshorn 4', Harfpfeife 2', Mixtur 4-6 fach (1 1/3'), Trompette 8'.
Positiv (C-g'''): Strichflöte 8', Singend Gedackt 8', Prinzipal 4', Blockflöte 4', Oktave 2', Terz 1 3/5', Quinte 1 1/3', Hellcymbel 3 fach (1/6'), Holzdulcian 16', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbaß 16', Prinzipalbaß 8', Gedacktbaß 8', Choralbaß 4', Quintadena 2', Hintersatz 4 fach (2 2/3'), Liebliche Posaune 16'.
Accouplements: Hauptwerk - Positiv, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Positiv.

Références 175 Jahre Orgelbau : Matthias Kreienbrink vormals Ludwig Rohlfing : Gegründet 1790 : Orgelbauwerkstätten. - Osnabrück : Matthias Kreienbrink, [1965].

Situation in Ahaus. Photo: Danny Koschinski.
Photo: Danny Koschinski
Situation in Ahaus. Source: firma Kreienbrink.
Source: firma Kreienbrink