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Complete description of the selected organ
Edinburgh, United Kingdom (Lothian) - Saint Giles' Cathedral
Municipal: Edinburgh
Address: High Street, EH1 1RE, Edinburgh
Website: https://www.stgilescathedral.org.uk/

Description nr.: 2008135.

Built by: Harrison & Harrison (1884)
Demolished (1992)

Gebouwd van 1878 tot 1884. In 1992 is het gesloopt en vervangen door een nieuw orgel van de firma Rieger.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Great16
- Choir11
- swell16
- Solo6
- Pedal11
Total number of stops60
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Great (C-g'''): Contra Gamba 16', Bourdon 16', Open Diapason Large 8', Open Diapason Small 8', Gamba 8', Clarabella 8', Principal 4', Octave Gamba 4', Flute Harmonique 4', Twelfth 2 2/3', Fifteenth 2', Mixture 4 ranks, Mixture 3 ranks, Double Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'.
Choir (C-g'''): Lieblich Gedackt 16', Open Diapason 8', Dulciana 8', Viol di Gamba 8', Lieblich Gedackt 8', Hohlflöte 8', Gemshorn 4', Octave Gamba 4', Lieblich Flute 4', Flageolet 2', Orchestral Clarionet 8'.
Swell (enclosed) (C-g'''): Double Diapason 16', Open Diapason 8', Viola 8', Salicional 8', Lieblich Gedackt 8', Vox Celestis 8', Principal 4', Suabe Flute 4', Fifteenth 2', Piccolo Harmonique 2', Mixture 5 ranks, Contra Oboe 16', Horn 8', Cornopean 8', Oboe 8', Clarion 4'.
Solo (C-g'''):
Unenclosed Section: Concert Flute 8', Concert Flute Harmonique 4', Great Tuba 8', Octave Tuba 4'.
Enclosed Section: Vox Humana 8', Orchestral Oboe 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-f'): Double Open Diapason 32', Open Diapason 16', Violone 16', Bourdon 16', Quint 12', Violoncello 8', Flute 8', Sesquialtera 3 ranks, Trombone 16', Contra Fagotto 16', Posaune 8'.
Couplers: Choir to Great, Choir to Great Suboctave, Swell to Great, Swell to Great Octave, Solo to Great, Solo to Great Octave, Swell to Choir, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Solo to Pedal.

Literature Harrison & Harrison Organbuilders Ltd. : Afl. 2: Orgelbouw van het Victoriaanse Tijdperk tot aan de eeuwwisseling / Hendrik Jan de Bie. - In: De Orgelvriend, jrg. 46 nr. 11, november 2004.
Recordings St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh / Herrick Bunney. - E.M.I. Records CLP 1905 / CSD 1625 (LP). - 1966. - (Great Cathedral Organ Series ; 7).