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List of found organs

There are 9 organs found that correspond with your search criteria.
The number of displayed organs is 9.
Meaning letters second column: s=stoplist, p=photo, f=former location.

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Organ nr. TownBuildingBuilder
2039629 pBraslaw (Браслаў)Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Karl Borromäus (Grunewald)Klais Orgelbau (1960)II/P/19
2020076 BudslawKircheJentzen, Nicolaus (1783) 
2027059 Grodno (Гроóдна)Cathedral of Saint Francis XavierBuilder unknown (1744) 
2046740 spGrodno (Гроóдна)Evangelisch-Lutherische KircheHardt, Günter (1965)II/P/22
2044435 spMinsk (Мінск)Belarusian State Philharmony, Big Concert HallRieger-Kloss (1962)IV/P/73 (72)
2026257 spMinsk (Мінск)Mariïnski-CathedralPflüger Orgelbau (2001)III/P/33
2064056 spMogilevParish Church of the Assumption of Saint Mary and Saint StanislasVerschueren Orgelbouw (1933)II/P/20
2027058 spPolatsk (Пóлацк)Sophia Cathedral (Cathedral of Holy Wisdom)Rieger-Kloss (1985)III/P/48 (46)
2022553 spVitebskFilharmoniaGlatter-Götz Orgelbau (2008)II/P/36