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Complete description of the selected organ
Offenbach am Main, Deutschland (Hessen) - Theresien Kinder- und Jugendhilfezentrum
Municipal: Offenbach am Main
Address: Osw.-v.-Nell-Breuning-Straße 3, 63069, Offenbach am Main
Website: https://bistummainz.de/einrichtungen/josephshaus-und-theresien-zentrum/einrichtungen/tkjhz/start

Description nr.: 2078670.

Built by: E.F. Walcker & Cie. (1956) - opus 3457

In 1956 Walcker supplied a standard positive of type C for the Theresien-Kinderheim in Offenbach. It has five registers and an attached pedal.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual5
- Pedalaangehangen
Total number of stops5
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Manual (C-f''', division between b°/c'): Gedackt 8' (B/D), Prinzipal 4' (B/D), Rohrflöte 4' (B/D), Oktave 2' (B/D), Mixtur 3 fach (B/D).
Pedal (C-d'): Angehängt.

Literature Offenbach/M Theresien-Kinderheim Opus 3457. - In: Opus-Buch für Positive : Opus 3341 bis 4044 : angef. 25.3.55 - Feb. 60. - [Ludwigsburg] : [Walcker & Cie.], [1960].