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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Annweiler am Trifels, Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Protestantische Stadtkirche
Gemeinde: Annweiler am Trifels
Adresse: Kirchgasse 6, 76855, Annweiler am Trifels
Website: https://www.koop-nordwest.de/

Beschreibung nr.: 2074367.

Gebaut von: Johann Friedrich Macrander (1707)
Dismantled, organ case sold (1803)

1707 Johann Friedrich Macrander  Neubau
1786 Johann Carl Baumann  Vergrößerung

  • In 1705, Johann Friedrich Macrander was commissioned to build an organ for the Protestant Stadtkirche in Annweiler. It was an organ with eleven registers on one manual and an independent pedal. It was completed in 1707. In 1786 the organ was expanded by Johann Carl Baumann with a Rückpositiv with ten registers.
  • The church building partially collapsed in 1786. The organ could be saved and was subsequently rebuilt in the restored church. But in 1794, French soldiers arrived in town and removed the pipework from the organ. The remains stayed in the church until 1803. In that year the organ case was sold to the Protestant church in Wilgartswiesen. Wilgartswiesen's church was demolished in 1839 and replaced a few years later by a new church. It is not known whether the organ case from Annweiler was also demolished or was used in the construction of an organ in the new church. The new church in Wilgartswiesen burned down in 1920.

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manual10
- Rückpositiv10
- Pedal1
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen21
Windlade(n)Slider chests

Manual: Gedackt 8', Bassflöt 8', Principal 4', Flöt 4', Rauschquint 3', Octava 2', Cimbalum 1', Sesquialtera 2 fach (2 2/3'), Cornett 4 fach (4'), Mixtur 3 fach (1'), Tremulant.
Rückpositiv: Querflaud 8', Quintathön 8', Principal 4', Salicional 4', Rohrflaud 4', Quinta 3', Superoctav 2', Mixtur 3 fach (1/2'), Krummhorn 8', Vox Humana 8', Tremulant.
Pedal: Subbass 16'.
Koppeln: Manualkoppel, Pedalkoppel Manual.

  • Die Orgelmacher Macrander in Frankfurt am Main / Martin Balz. - In: Dulce Melos Organorum : Festschrift Alfred Reichling zum 70. Geburtstag / Roland Behrens, Christoph Grohmann [red.]. - Mettlach : Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde e.V., 2005. - (Veröffentlichung der Gesellschaft der Orgelfreunde ; 200).
  • Die Orgeln des Kreises Südliche Weinstraße / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - In: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte, Sonderheft - Juni 2012.