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Complete description of the selected organ
Pyhämaa, Suomi (Varsinais-Suomi) - Pyhämaan Kirkko
Municipal: Pyhämaa
Address: Kirkontaustantie 15, 23930, Pyhämaa
Website: https://www.uudenkaupunginseurakunta.fi/

Description nr.: 2073296.

Built by: Jens Alexander Zachariassen (1877)

1877 Jens Alexander Zachariassen  new organ
1974 Veikko Virtanen  restoration
1988 Jouko Pirkkanen  enlargement
2015 Kangasalan Urkurakentamo  maintenance/reparations

  • The organ in Pyhämaan Kirkko was built in 1877 by Jens Alexander Zachariassen. It originally had an attached pedal. The instrument went out of use in 1963. An electronic organ was installed. Veikko Virtanen carried out repairs in 1974 and installed an electric wind blower. This allowed the organ to be used again.
  • In 1988 Jouko Pirkkanen carried out a restoration. He expanded the organ with an independent pedal. The pipes of the Subbas-Gedacht are taken from the dismantled organ of Sauvon Kirkko. It was manufactured in 1899. The pedal is placed in a separate case next to the organ.The firm Kangasala carried out a renovation in 2015.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- I. Manual4
- II. Manual3
- Pedal2
Total number of stops9
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

I. Manual (C-f'''): Borduna 16', Principal 8', Octava 4', Octava 2'.
II. Manual (C-f'''): Gedacht 8', Fugara 8', Flauto Dolce 4'.
Pedal (C-c'): Subbas 16' - 1899, Gedacht 8' - 1899; extension.
Couplers: Manualkoppel, Octavkoppel I. Manual, Pedal - I. Manual - 1988.

Links https://www.uudenkaupunginseurakunta.fi/documents/1670839/9230581/PYHÄMAAN_KIRKON_URUT.pdf