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Complete description of the selected organ
Muurame, Suomi (Keski-Suomi) - Muuramen Kirkko
Municipal: Muurame
Address: Sanantie 7, 40950, Muurame
Website: https://www.muuramenseurakunta.fi/

Description nr.: 2073101.

Built by: Kangasalan Urkurakentamo (1944) - opus 490

1944 Kangasalan Urkurakentamo490 new organ
1968 Kangasalan Urkurakentamo  modify stoplist

  • In 1944 Kangasala built an organ for Muuramen Kirkko. It is a pneumatic organ with seventeen registers, including two transmissions. It was examined on November 24, 1944 by M.V. Sipponen. Consultant was Erkki Valanki.
  • In 1968 the organ was renovated by Kangasala. The stop list has been altered. The Oktave 4' of the Schwellwerk and the Gemshorn 4' of the Hauptwerk were switched places. The Hauptwerk's Bordun 16' was changed to a Gedackt 8'. A new Waldflöte 2' was installed on the Hauptwerk, and the Mixtur was moved from Schwellwerk to Hauptwerk. The Quartesta of the Schwellwerk has been altered to a Sesquialtera.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk5
- Schwellwerk8
- Pedal4 (2)
Total number of stops17 (15)
Key actionPneumatic
Stop actionPneumatic
Windchest(s)Cone chests

Hauptwerk (C-a'''): Principal 8', Gedackt 8' - 1944/1968, Oktave 4', Waldflöte 2' - 1968, Mixtur 3 fach (1 1/3').
Schwellwerk (C-a'''): Rohrflöte 8', Salicional 8', Unda Maris 8', Gemshorn 4', Schwiegel  2', Nasat 1 1/3', Sesquialter 2 fach - 1944/1968, Oboe 8', Tremolo.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbass 16', Flötenbass  8', Gemshorn 4' - transmission, Oboe 8' - transmission.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk 16', Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk 4', Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk 4', Hauptwerk - Hauptwerk 4', Schwellwerk - Schwellwerk 16', Schwellwerk - Schwellwerk 4'.
Accessories: 2 freie Kombinationen, Tutti.