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Borgholm, Sverige (Kalmar län) - Sankt Elavi Kapell
Commune: Borgholms Kommun
Adresse: Kapellvägen, 387 30, Borgholm

Description no.: 2072318.

Bâti par: Mårtenssons Orgelfabrik (1981)

  • Sankt Elavi Kapell in Borgholm was built as a chapel for the cemetery on the northwest side of the city in 1970-1971. The building was designed by Sven Boysen. The church was inaugurated on May 7, 1971. Mårtenssons Orgelfabrik installed a small organ in the church in 1981.
  • Nowadays a digital Johannus organ is used. It is not known whether the pipe organ is still present.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Manual5
- Pedal1
Nombre de jeux total6
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Manual: Gedackt 8', Italiensk Principal 4', Rörflöjt 4', Waldflöjt 2', Kvartian 2 chor (B), Sesquialtera 2 chor (D).
Pedal: Subbas 16'.
Accouplements: Pedalkoppel.

Références Inventarium över Svenska orglar : 1988: II Växjö Stift / Tore Johansson [red.]. - Tostared : Förlag Svenska Orglar, 1988.
Lièns https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankt_Elavi_kapell#Orgel