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Complete description of the selected organ
Valls, España (Tarragona) - Església de Sant Joan Baptista
Municipal: Valls
Address: Plaça Església, 1, 43800, Valls
Website: http://sjoan.valls.arqtgn.cat/

Description nr.: 2070424.

Built by: Gerhard Grenzing (2021)

In 2020-2021 Gerhard Grenzing built an organ for the Església de Sant Joan Baptista in Valls. It was inaugurated on February 7, 2021. Miquel Gonzalez and Josep Mateu played it on this occasion. The organ was built with 22 stops, but it is planned to expand to 43 stops in the future. The console has a third keyboard, which has no function yet.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- 2 manuals and pedal
Total number of stops22

Links https://www.grenzing.com/newsshow.cfm?id=465