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Description complète d'orgue sélectionné
Milwaukee, USA (Wisconsin) - Perseverance United Presbyterian Church (currently: Providence Baptist Church)
Commune: Milwaukee
Région:Milwaukee County
Adresse: 3865 North 82nd Street, 53222, Milwaukee, WI

Description no.: 2067893.

Bâti par: Robert L. David (1980)

In 1980, Robert L. David supplied a new 20-register organ to Perseverance United Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee. The church building is now in use by Providence Baptist Church. It is unlikely that the organ is still here.

Données techniques
Nombre de registres par manuel
- Great5
- Swell8
- Pedal7
Nombre de jeux total20
Transmission des clésMechanical
Transmission des jeuxMechanical
Sommier(s)Slider chests

Great: Principal 8', Bordun 8', Octave 4', Hellflöte 2', Mixture 3-4 ranks (1 1/3').
Swell: Gedackt 8', Gemshorn 8', Celeste 8', Nachthorn 4', Principal 2', Quint 1 1/3', Cymbale 2 ranks (2/3'), Hautbois 8'.
Pedal: Subbass 16', Octave Bass 8', Bass Flute 8', Choralbass 4', Rauschquint 2 ranks (2 2/3 '), Bassoon 16', Clarion 4'.
Accouplements: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.

Références Perseverance United Presbyterian Church Milwaukee, Wisonsin. - In: The Diapason, 72nd Year, No. 7, July 1981. - Advertisement.