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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
Amenia, USA (New York) - Smithfield Presbyterian Church
Gemeente: Amenia
Streek:Dutchess County
Adres: 656 Smithfield Valley Road, 12501, Amenia, NY
Website: http://thesmithfieldchurch.org/

Beschrijving nr.: 2055943.

Gebouwd door: Johnson & Son (1893) - opus 796

1893 Johnson & Son796 nieuwbouw
1976 Charles Aitken  restauratie

  • In 1893 the Johnson & Son company built an organ for the Concregational Church in Kent, Connecticut. The instrument was overhauled in 1976 by Charles Aitken. A new pedal keyboard has been placed and a Fifteenth was installed on Great.
  • In 2008 it was decided to replace the organ with a large electronic organ. It was then transferred to the Smithfield Church in Amenia, New York. The restoration of the organ case and the facade was completed in 2010. The prospect pipes are from an Estey organ that stood in the First Presbyterian Church in Holyoke, Massachusetts.

Kort overzicht van plaatsen waar het orgel heeft gestaan
1893Kent, CTCongregational Church
2008AmeniaSmithfield Church

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great4
- Swell3
- Pedal1
Totaal aantal stemmen8

Great (C-a'''): Open Diapason 8' (TC), Open Diapason Bass 8' (C-B), Octave 4', Flute d'Amour 4' (TC), Fifteenth 2' - 1976.
Swell (C-a'''): Viola Diapason 8' (TC), Stopt Diapason 8' (TC), Stopt Diapason Bass 8' (C-B), Fugara 4'.
Pedal (C-d'): Sub Bass 16'.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.

Links https://chvago.org/Organs/TheSmithfieldChurch.htm