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Ausführliche Beschreibung der vorgewählten Orgel
Quelle: Musicam Sacram. Datering: 2017.

Quelle: Musicam Sacram

Wyszków, Polska (Województwo Mazowieckie) - Kościół św. Wojciecha
Gemeinde: Wyszków
Adresse: Kościuszki 19, 07-200, Wyszków
Website: http://wojciech-wyszkow.pl/

Beschreibung nr.: 2048488.

Gebaut von: V. Van de Loo & Zn. (1951)

  • In 1950-1951, the Van de Loo firm built a new organ for the Sint Michielskerk, Naamsestraat 59 in Leuven. It was dedicated on Easter Sunday, March 25, 1951. Staf Nees played the organ on this occasion. The inauguration concert was provided by Staf Nees, with R. Van Steenwegen, organist of the church, also performing a piece.
  • The organ was dismantled in 2017, because a completely new organ was being built. The Van Loo organ was sold to the parish of in Wyszków, Poland, where it was installed in the Kościół św. Wojciecha. The electric action of the organ was renewed, and a modern setzer combination action was added to the instrument. The first manual was expanded with six new stops, installed in a new case between the two main cases. It could be dedicated here on December 6, 2017. Sebastian Adamczyk played the inaugurational concert.
  • The specification stated here is from the Leuven situation!

Kurze Übersicht der Orte, an denen die Orgel gestanden hat
1951LeuvenSint Michielskerk
2017WyszkówKościół św. Wojciecha

Technische Daten
Anzahl Register pro Manual
- Manuaal I (Groot Orgel)17
- Manuaal II (Positief)9
- Manuaal III (Reciet)9
- Pedaal9
Gesamtzahl der Stimmen44
Windlade(n)Cone chests

Manuaal I (Groot Orgel) (C-g'''): Monter 16' - 2017, Bourdon 16', Monter 8', Bourdon 8', Unda Maris 8' - 2017, Gedekt 8' - 2017, Prestant 4', Oktave 4' - 2017, Roerfluit 4', Quinte 2 2/3' - 2017, Nazaard 2 2/3', Fluit 2', Terts 1 3/5', Kornet V sterk, Mixtuur IV sterk - 2017, Trompet 8', Hoorn 4'.
Manuaal II (Positief) (C-g'''): Diapason 8', Spitsfluit 8', Prestant 4', Open fluit 4', Kwint 2 2/3', Octaaf 2', Flageolet 2', Mixtuur IV sterk, Kromhoorn 8'.
Manuaal III (Reciet) (C-g'''): Principaal 8', Bourdon 8', Gamba 8', Vox Caelestis 8', Dwarsfluit 4', Gemskwint 2 2/3', Sifflet 1', Hobo 8', Regaal 8', Tremolo.
Pedaal (C-f'): Conterbas 16', Subbas 16', Prestantbas 8', Bourdon 8', Octaaf 4', Fluit 4', Bombarde 16', Trompet 8', Hoorn 4'.
Koppeln: Manuaal I - Manuaal II, Manuaal I - Manuaal III, Manuaal II - Manuaal III, Pedaal - Manuaal I, Pedaal - Manuaal II, Pedaal - Manuaal III, Manuaal I - Manuaal II 16', Manuaal I - Manuaal II 4', Manuaal I - Manuaal III 16', Manuaal I - Manuaal III 4'.
Nebenregister und Spielhilfen: Vrije Combinatie, Vaste Combinaties (p - f - tutti), Generaal Crescendo.

  • Église St. Michel - Louvain : Paques 1951 : Bénédiction et inauguration des nouvelles orgues.
  • Sint Michielskerk - Leuven : Hoogdag van Pasen 1951 : Plechtige inzegening en inspeling van het nieuwe orgel.
  • Het historisch orgel in Vlaanderen : Deel IIb Brabant arr. Leuven / A. Fauconnier, P. Roose. - Brussel : Ministerie van Nationale Opvoeding en Nederlandse Cultuur - Rijksdienst voor Monumenten- en Landschapszorg, 1977.
  • Leuvense orgelgids / J.-P. Félix, G. Huybens. - Leuven : Leuvense Orgel Kring (LOK), 1985.
Weblinks https://musicamsacram.pl/instrumenty/opis/3885-Wyszkow-Kosciol-NMP-Czestochowskiej-parafii-sw-Wojciecha
Übrige Quellen
  • Bart Wuilmus
  • Bart Wuilmus

Quelle: Musicam Sacram. Datering: 2017.
Quelle: Musicam Sacram
Quelle: Musicam Sacram. Datering: 2017.
Quelle: Musicam Sacram
Situation in Leuven. Bild: Dick Sanderman.
Bild: Dick Sanderman
Situation in Leuven. Bild: Dick Sanderman.
Bild: Dick Sanderman