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Complete description of the selected organ
Colts Neck, USA (New Jersey) - Reformed Church
Municipal: Colts Neck
Region:Monmouth County
Address: 72 County Road 537, 07722, Colts Neck, NJ
Website: https://coltsneckreformed.org/

Description nr.: 2044842.

Built by: Patrick J. Murphy (2003) - opus 39

Opus 39 by the Murphy firm is a unit organ with fifteen stops, from which 39 registers are derived. The organ is placed almost entirely in a swell box.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Great Organ14
- Swell Organ14
- Pedal Organ11
Total number of stops39 (15)
Key actionElectrical
Stop actionElectrical

Great Organ (C-c''''): Bourdon 16', Principal 8' - unenclosed, Bourdon 8', Harmonic 8', Flute 8', Gemshorn 8', Gemshorn 8', Celeste 8', Octave 4' - unenclosed, Chimney Flute 4', Fifteenth 2', Mixture 3-4 ranks, Trumpet 8', Clarion 4'.
Swell Organ (C-c''''): Chimney Flute 8', Gemshorn 8', Gemshorn 8', Celeste 8', Principal 4', Harmonic Flute 4', Quint 2 2/3', Flute 2', Tierce 1 3/5', Larigot 1 1/3', Hautbois 16', Trumpet 8', Hautbois 8', Hautbois 4'.
Pedal Organ (C-g'): Resultant 32' - extension, Contra Bass 16' - unenclosed, Bourdon 16', Principal 8' - unenclosed, Bourdon 8', Gemshorn 8', Principal 4' - unenclosed, Trumpet 16', Hautbois 16', Trumpet 8', Hautbois 4'.
Couplers: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Swell to Swell 4'.
Accessories: Tremolo, MIDI.

Recordings The Philadelphia Organbuilder : Three Organs by Patrick J. Murphy & Associates / Wesley Parrott, Matthew Glandorf. - Raven Records OAE-780 (2CD). - Opgenomen in Philadelphia-Andorra, Colts Neck en Pennsburg.
Links https://www.pjmorgans.com/pipe-organs/opus-39/