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Volledige beschrijving geselecteerd orgel
Lakewood OH, USA (Ohio) - Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Wright Chapel
Gemeente: Lakewood OH
Streek:Cuyahoga County
Adres: 14502 Detroit Avenue, 44107, Lakewood, OH
Website: http://www.lakewoodpresbyterian.org/

Beschrijving nr.: 2034654.

Gebouwd door: Charles M. Ruggles (1999) - opus 29

Technische gegevens
Aantal registers per werk
- Great Organ4 (3)
- Swell Organ3
- Pedal Organ1
Totaal aantal stemmen8 (7)
Toonhoogtea' = 440 Hz
Winddruk75 mm

Great Organ (C-g'''): Principal 8', Rohrflöte 8' - shared with Swell, Octave 4', Sesquialtera 2 ranks (from c').
Swell Organ (C-g'''): Rohrflöte 8' - shared with Great, Flute 4', Trumpet 8' (from c°).
Pedal Organ (C-f'): Subbass 16'.
Koppelingen: Swell to Great, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal.
Speelhulpen: Tremulant.

  • New Organs : Lakewood Presbyterian Church, Lakewood, Ohio / Charles M. Ruggles, Margaret A. Limkemann. - In: The Tracker vol. 92, no. 1, January 2001.
  • A profile of Charles M. Ruggles : Builder of hand-crafted mechanical action organs / Mark A. Herris. - [Bloomington] : Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, 2016.
Links https://rugglesorgans.com/opus29.html