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Complete description of the selected organ
Bern, Die Schweiz / La Suisse (Bern) - Christkatholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Peter und Paul, Krypte
Municipal: Bern
Region:Berner Oberland

Description nr.: 2028170.

Built by: Wälti Orgelbau (1993)

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Gran Organo10
- Organo Eco4
- Pedale2
Total number of stops16
Manual compassC-g''' (division between b° and c')
Pedal compassC-d'
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Gran Organo: Principale 8', Voce Umana 8', Ottava 4', Quinte Decima 2', Decima Nona 1 1/3', Vigesima Seconda 1', Vigesima Sesta 2/3', Vigesima Nona 1/2', Corneta in VIII 4', Corneta in XII 2 2/3', Campanelli (discant).
Organo Eco: Flutta 8', Flauto in Ottava 4', Flageoletto 2', Clarino 8' (discant), Fagotto 8' (bass).
Pedale (C-d'): Contrabassi 16', Unissono 8'.
Couplers: Gran Organo - Organo Eco, Pedale - Gran Organo, Pedale - Organo Eco.

Links https://orgues-et-vitraux.ch/default.asp/2-0-1803-11-6-1/