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Complete description of the selected organ
Rheinzabern, Deutschland (Rheinland-Pfalz) - Katholische Pfarrkirche Sankt Michael
Municipal: Rheinzabern
Address: Hauptstraße 43, 76764, Rheinzabern
Website: http://www.pfarrei-rheinzabern.de/

Description nr.: 2012780.

Built by: Wolfgang Scherpf (1974)
The organ contains older material: Organ case from 1789 by Johann Michael Stiehr

1789 Johann Michael Stiehr  new organ
1882 E.F. Walcker & Cie.414 new organ in old case
1974 Wolfgang Scherpf  new organ in old case

  • In the years 1787-1789 Johann Michael Stiehr built an organ for Sankt Michaelkirche in Rheinzabern in the Palatinate. The organ had nineteen stops on one manual and an independent pedal. During the French Revolution, the church was converted into a military hospital in 1794. The organ was badly damaged and was only partially restored in 1837.
  • In 1882 a new organ was built by the company Walcker & Cie. with two manuals and pedal. This work came to stand behind Stiehr's front. Three stops were taken from the old organ. The organ had twenty registers and was dedicated on December 20, 1882.
  • In 1973 this work was also demolished and replaced by a new organ by Wolfgang Scherpf in the old case. The new organ was dedicated on March 24, 1974.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk8
- Schwellwerk9
- Pedal7
Total number of stops24
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionElectrical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (C-g'''): Pommer 16', Prinzipal 8', Weitgedackt 8', Oktave 4', Rohrflöte 4', Oktave 2', Mixtur 4-6 fach (1 1/3'), Trompete 8'.
Schwellwerk (C-g'''): Holzgedackt 8', Quintade 8', Prinzipal 4', Schweizerpfeife 2', Sesquialter 2 fach (2 2/3'+1 3/5'), Scharff 4 fach, Dulcian 16', Französische Oboe 8', Tremulant.
Pedal (C-f'): Subbaß 16', Prinzipalbaß 8', Baßflöte 8', Choralbaß 4', Nachthorn 2', Hintersatz 4 fach (2 2/3'), Posaune 16'.
Couplers: Hauptwerk - Schwellwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Schwellwerk.
Accessories: 2 freie Kombinationen.

Other specifications
Different specifications
  • The specification of the Stiehr organ was:
    Manual (C-d'''): Principal 8', Bourdon 8', Flute Traverse 8' (discant), Solicional 8', Gamben 8', Prestant 4', Flute 4', Quintflöt 3', Octav 2', Terz 1 3/5', Cornet 5 fach, Mixtur 4 fach (1'), Fagot 8' (bas), Trompet 8' (discant), Voxomana 8'.
    Pedal (C-d): Subbaß 16', Violonbaß 8', Bossaunenbaß 8'.
    Spielhilfen: Pedalkoppel, Tremulant Dous, Tremulant Fort.

  • The Walcker organ had the following stop list:
    Hauptwerk (C-f'''):
    Hauptlade: Bourdon 16', Principal 8', Flötenprincipal 8', Flöte 8', Viola di Gamba 8'.
    Nebenlade: Octav 4', Rohrflöte 4', Quinte 2 2/3' - Vorabzug, Cornett 5 fach (8'), Mixtur 4 fach (2 2/3'), Trompete 8'.
    Hinterwerk (C-f'''): Geigenprincipal 8', Lieblich Gedackt 8', Salicional 8', Aeoline 8', Flauto Dolce 4'.
    Pedal (C-d'): Subbaß 16', Violonbaß 16', Octavbaß 8', Violinbaß 8'.
    Koppeln: Hauptwerk - Hinterwerk, Pedal - Hauptwerk, Pedal - Hinterwerk.
    Spielhilfen: Tutti, Forte.

  • Geschichte der Glocken und Orgel in der Pfarrkirche zu Rheinzabern / Franz Xaver Pfeiffer. - Speyer : Dr. Jäger'schen Buchdruckerei, 1895.
  • Orgeln in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland / Matthias Thömmes. - Trier : Paulinus-Verlag, 1981.
  • Historische Orgeln in der Pfalz / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - Regensburg : Schnell & Steiner, 1984.
  • Die Orgeln des Landkreises Germersheim / Bernhard H. Bonkhoff. - In: Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für mittelrheinische Musikgeschichte, Sonderheft - Juni 2013.