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Complete description of the selected organ
Saint-Symphorien, België (Hainaut) - Église Saint-Symphorien
Municipal: Mons
Address: Place de Saint-Symphorien, 7030, Mons

Description nr.: 2007292.

Built by: André Thomas (1984)
The organ contains older material: Organ case and wind chest from 1763 by Armand-Joseph Lion

1763 Armand-Joseph Lion  new organ
1984 André Thomas  new organ in old case

In 1763 Armand-Joseph Lion built an organ for the parish church in Saint-Symphonien. Over the years, the instrument has undergone major renovations. In 1984 André Thomas built a new organ in the old case, based on the restoration of Lion's work. In addition to the case, the front pipes and the wind chest of Lion have also been preserved. Construction was carried out in phases. The registers were placed in April 1984, September 1984, 1985 and finally in 1986. On November 4, 1984, the organ was inaugurated with a concert by Jean Defèche and Michel Gobert. After its completion in 1986, it was played by Daniel Denis and Marie-Cécile Defèche on August 24, 1986.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Manual12
- Pédaleaangehangen
Total number of stops12
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests
Pitcha' = 440 Hz

Manual (CD-c''', division between c'/cis'): Bourdon 8', Prestant 4', Flûte 4', Nasard 3' - 1985, Doublette 2', Tierce 1 3/5' - 1985, Cornet, Fourniture, Cymbale, Trompette 8' (B/D) - 1985, Voix Humaine 8' (B/D) - 1986, Cromorne 8' (discant) - 1986, Clairon 4' (bas) - 1986.
Pédale (CD-f°): Aangehangen.
Other stops: Rossignol - 1986.
Accessories: Tremblant.

  • Le nouvel orgue de St.-Symphorien / J.P. Felix. - In: L'Organiste, 18e Année, No. 72, 1986/4.
  • Orgues de Wallonie : Volume 4 : Province du Hainaut : Tome 6 - Arrondissement de Mons / Pierre Decourcelle. - Namur : Ministère de la Région wallone : Direction générale de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Logement et du Patrimoine, 1997.
Links http://www.orgues-thomas.com/2017/en-114-saint-symphorien-saint-symphorien.html