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Complete description of the selected organ
Kdousov, Česká Republika (Vysočina Kraj) - Kostel svatého Linharta
Municipal: Kdousov
Address: 40810, 675 32, Kdousov

Description nr.: 2004883.

Built by: Ignaz Casparides (1757)

1757 Ignaz Casparides  new organ
1775 Josef Silberbauer  reconstruction
1900 Builder unknown  maintenance/reparations
1996 Pavel & Dušan Doubek  restoration

The organ in the parish church of Kdousov was built by (according to the label on the console) Ignaz Florian Casparides in 1757. However the church itself was finished in 1775 and the organ case resembles the work of his pupil Joseph Silberbauer. It is possible that Silberbauer built the instrument using older parts by Casparides (along with certain pipework resembling Casparides' style). The instrument was modified in 1900 with the altering of the composition of the Mixtur and the addition of a Gamba 8' to the Hauptwerk. Dusan Doubek restored the instrument to its original condition in 1996. A remarkable thing is that the console is built into the Positiv.

Technical data
Number of stops per division
- Hauptwerk9
- Positiv4
- Pedal3
Total number of stops16
Manual compassCDEFGA-c'''
Pedal compassCDEFGA-a°
Key actionMechanical
Stop actionMechanical
Windchest(s)Slider chests

Hauptwerk (CDEFGA-c'''): Quintadena 8', Fletten 8', Principal 4', Fugara 4', Fletten 4', Quint 3', Octav 2', Super Octav 1', Mixtur 3 fach.
Positiv (CDEFGA-c'''): Copula Maior 8', Copula Minor 4', Principal 2', Octav 1'.
Pedal: Subbass 16', Octavbass 8', Superoctavbass 4'.
Couplers: Manual-Coppel.

Recordings Brixi - Organ concertos / Vera Hermanová, orgel met de Capella Regia Musicalis o.l.v. Robert Hugo. - Panton 81 9005-2031 (CD). - 1998.
Links http://www.sonusparadisi.cz/en/organs/czech/kdousov.html